Calvary Chapel Cleveland Outreach

A heart for Cleveland…

Cleveland, Ohio, rich in history, in the 1920′s Cleveland became the fifth largest city in the country with a heritage of industrial companies such as the huge Standard Oil Co. founded by John D. Rockefeller. Cleveland has had a rich sports heritage such as the Cleveland Indians and the Cleveland Browns. At one time businesses proclaimed that Cleveland was the “best location in the nation”.By the 1960s, industries began to slump, Cleveland began witnessing racial unrest, culminating in the Riots of 1966. Cleveland became the first major American city to enter default since the Great Depression. In 1969 the Cuyahoga River caught fire due to industrial pollution. The National media still jokes about Cleveland as “the mistake on the lake”.

Today, Cleveland still struggles, residents moving out of the city, business fleeing to other cities, but in our Lord Jesus Christ, there is always hope and a new horizon. We constantly pray for the Lord to bring revival upon our city. “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much”. (Jas. 5:16) Clevelanders know life can be tough at times. When life is tough people often seek God more than when life is easy. Calvary Chapel Cleveland, along with a multitude of other churches and denominations, has been praying for a revival and harvesting of souls for many years.

A heart for children…

“But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.”

Many families that have many children make up a big portion of Calvary Chapel Cleveland. These children of all ages are growing up together, learning the Bible together, playing, eating, and serving together. God is doing a marvelous work in this next generation of children growing up in the Lord at Calvary Chapel Cleveland. It is truly a blessing from God, to be part of this great work. This next generation of saints will indeed be salt and light in a world that continues to grow darker by the day.

Throughout the year, Calvary Cleveland reaches out to the children of the community with various events such as VBS, outreaches at the “projects”, Friday family nights, Christmas programs, picnics, and public baptisms. All directed toward bringing the little ones to Jesus.