Date(s) - 03/22/2020
11:00 am - 12:30 pm
We are continuing to monitor the latest on the Coronavirus. In light of President Trump’s asking the public to avoid gathering in groups of 10 or more, the leadership has decided to move all main services, Sundays and Wednesdays, to an online format only.
We feel the move is important to not only protect our church family but also to apply Romans 13:1-7, submitting to our government officials. We trust in the sovereignty of God, but in light of this directive, we feel there is wisdom in complying.
We will take things one week at a time. This Wednesday, 3/18/20 at 7pm and this Sunday, 3/22/20 at 10am join us online. We will lead worship and have a Bible study as we would if we were together in person. Please stay plugged into the Word and fellowship to stay grounded in an unsettling time. What the Enemy Intends for Evil, God Will Use for Good as you share the links to the messages and reach out to others.