About Giving

Thank you for thinking about contributing to Calvary Chapel of Cleveland. From the very beginning, we have never asked one person for money and we are not asking now. We trust God to provide everything we need and He has faithfully done so – beyond what we could have dreamed.

We have watched Him grow a small family moving to Cleveland, Ohio into a church where many Cleveland area families and visitors attend each week. He has also blessed our Church to the point where we can support multiple ministries beyond our doors. GOD IS GOOD!

If you wish to contribute toward our efforts of promoting the Gospel through the ministry of Calvary Chapel Cleveland, we’ve provided the link below. We truly covet prayer as well as financial contributions so if you are not able/called to provide a financial contribution at this time, please remember us in prayer, that God will continually provide for every need to the praise of the glory of Jesus Christ.

May our Lord & Savior bless you richly!

If you wish to provide a financial donation to our efforts please click here.