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The Role Of The Holy Spirit ()

Mike BucherMike Bucher, 10/21/2018

Part of the Topical Studies series, preached at a Sunday Morning service.

We are in between books in the Bible so this is when we typically do a topical Bible study. Today it will be on the role of the Holy Spirit.

Thee is so much controversy about Him. He is a person, He is God. Jesus called Him " another" comforter not a "lessor" comforter.

Who was the first comforter? Jesus. So the Holy Spirit will be to us all that Jesus was to the disciples. Jesus taught them, comforted them, led them and gave them power.

The Holy Spirit will teach us, comfort us, lead us and give us power. We need to be aware of Him... to hear His voice. There are so many benefits that He provides us.

His job is to point us to and connect us with Jesus. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace patience.... Oh how we need to be filled with the person of the Holy Spirit

If you're ever in the Cleveland, Ohio area, please stop by Calvary Chapel Cleveland and say hello!

Tags: Holy Spirit Role

About Mike Bucher: Mike Bucher is Senior Pastor at Calvary Chapel of Cleveland.
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